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Improve WordPress search

Serve millions of searches in milliseconds

Over 13 million users a month depend on WP Engine Smart Search to deliver lightning-fast search queries to help guide them to the most relevant content.

Photo of hands using a laptopPhoto of hands using a laptop

Powerful-yet-simple WordPress search

A better search for your users

Default WordPress search does not allow for prioritizing or weighting your best content nor does it correct typos.

WP Engine Smart Search is a set-and-forget search solution that drives engagement and conversions with your highest-intent users with intuitive, typo-tolerant, and relevant search results.

Other smart tools often require manual set-up or technical skills to ensure proper setup.

With WP Engine Smart Search, you can improve your WordPress search experience with four clicks. Installation will auto-index your data now and in the future with no technical ability required.

Default WordPress search ignores all custom post types from Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) users—the data that makes your site unique.

ACF is a part of the WP Engine family, so we built a search with the ACF community in mind. Your custom post types will be auto-indexing out of the box—no custom coding required.

Default WordPress search does not allow for prioritizing or weighting your best content nor does it correct typos.

WP Engine Smart Search is a set-and-forget search solution that drives engagement and conversions with your highest-intent users with intuitive, typo-tolerant, and relevant search results.

Other smart tools often require manual set-up or technical skills to ensure proper setup.

With WP Engine Smart Search, you can improve your WordPress search experience with four clicks. Installation will auto-index your data now and in the future with no technical ability required.

Default WordPress search ignores all custom post types from Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) users—the data that makes your site unique.

ACF is a part of the WP Engine family, so we built a search with the ACF community in mind. Your custom post types will be auto-indexing out of the box—no custom coding required.

Happy user on a laptop

Elevate your impact with Search Insights

Easily identify trending and ‘no-result’ searches on your site. Craft content that resonates with your highest-intent users, while seamlessly filling any gaps in your content strategy.

 Atlas Search for headless WordPress

Powerful features and integrations

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Infinitely scalable search

WP Engine Smart Search offloads your search queries from your WordPress server, allowing for scalability without a performance tax.

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Out-of-the-box ACF compatibility

Get full ACF support for custom post types & taxonomies without re-syncing.

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Four-click setup with autosyncing

A simple installation process that auto-syncs all your data after your first setup.

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Related posts and recommendations

Use WPGraphQL or our API to suggest relevant content to your visitors.

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Headless WordPress compatibility

WP Engine Smart Search is headless-ready without 3rd party vendors or complex integrations.

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Customize your results

Prioritize your best content first in search results with custom weighting.

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Typo-tolerant and intuitive

Guide users to what they’re looking for—even they misspell or type different versions of the search term.

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API flexibility with WPGraphQL and REST

Access all your data, no matter the source, with the tool of your choice.

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Composable index and search options

Index data for your search results from any source(s)—WordPress or not!

Setup Smart Search in minutes

Powerful search and easy setup

  • 1
    Install with just a few clicks

    Setup WP Engine Smart Search from the Add-ons page in your user portal—just install a license on any environment and one-time sync your data to get started.

  • 2
    Configure search results easily

    Our intuitive UI allows for simple search customization to populate the most relevant content, giving you more control over the search experience.

  • 3
    Optional: Fully extendable search

    WP Engine Smart Search and our powerful API give you the ability extend your search capabilities and data, like populating related content on your website.

WP Engine Smart Search


Laptop with website mockup

Let’s Get Started

Give users a better search